Location: (35.180, -97.440) Cleveland County, OK Radius: 100km Period: 1950-2019 (70 Years)

* See Methodology section for further details.

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Zip CodeMajor US Cities
Location: (35.180, -97.440) Cleveland County, OK Radius: 100km Period: 1950-2019 (70 Years)

Notable Tornadoes

Length (mi)
Distance (km)Touchdown Location
04/30/195121:303007.431Oklahoma County, OK - (35.43, -97.58)
03/13/195318:193811.041Grady County, OK - (34.88, -97.70)
05/01/195418:00465059.225Oklahoma County, OK - (35.40, -97.37)
09/14/195717:3046267.531Cleveland County, OK - (34.95, -97.25)
04/28/196019:453203.643Grady County, OK - (35.22, -97.95)
04/28/196020:503101.538Grady County, OK - (35.30, -97.83)
04/28/196020:55357011.728Oklahoma County, OK - (35.42, -97.55)
05/04/196019:553405.141Oklahoma County, OK - (35.52, -97.62)
05/05/196014:453007.339Garvin County, OK - (34.77, -97.50)
05/05/196015:00300101.931Cleveland County, OK - (34.95, -97.25)
05/05/196017:00581571.848Pottawatomie County, OK - (35.28, -96.93)
02/17/196116:4537016.838Oklahoma County, OK - (35.52, -97.38)
04/30/196118:453202.049Grady County, OK - (35.33, -97.95)
05/26/196317:003500.127Oklahoma County, OK - (35.40, -97.32)
06/11/197014:1031013.245Canadian County, OK - (35.50, -97.75)
10/05/197015:42484425.049Pottawatomie County, OK - (35.33, -96.93)
05/24/197316:0044213.333Canadian County, OK - (35.40, -97.97)
11/19/197319:30336524.215McClain County, OK - (35.13, -97.65)
04/20/197415:0033063.630Grady County, OK - (35.27, -97.93)
06/08/197413:4231408.928Oklahoma County, OK - (35.40, -97.60)
06/08/197414:1830010.242Oklahoma County, OK - (35.55, -97.35)
06/08/197415:483009.036Oklahoma County, OK - (35.48, -97.30)
04/30/198120:1524129.145Grady County, OK - (35.30, -97.97)
05/17/198118:1036010.242Pottawatomie County, OK - (35.22, -96.98)
05/08/198618:1231504.034Oklahoma County, OK - (35.48, -97.53)
03/28/198818:051110.834Oklahoma County, OK - (35.48, -97.53)
05/03/199917:2655833637.022Grady County, OK - (35.13, -97.85)
05/03/199920:05210118.045Pottawatomie County, OK - (35.37, -97.00)
05/08/200316:104134017.319Cleveland County, OK - (35.33, -97.53)
05/09/200321:2932017.841Oklahoma County, OK - (35.55, -97.48)
05/10/201016:20449224.013Cleveland County, OK - (35.29, -97.50)
05/10/201016:32432122.21Cleveland County, OK - (35.18, -97.43)
05/10/201016:483306.535Pottawatomie County, OK - (35.34, -97.11)
05/10/201016:56328037.242Pottawatomie County, OK - (35.25, -96.98)
05/24/201116:06448133.319Grady County, OK - (35.01, -97.96)
05/24/201116:26461023.16Grady County, OK - (34.88, -97.73)
05/19/201317:00410223.015Cleveland County, OK - (35.25, -97.30)
05/20/201313:5652122413.816McClain County, OK - (35.28, -97.63)
05/06/201515:3330010.325Grady County, OK - (35.16, -97.80)
05/06/201519:4131202.025Oklahoma County, OK - (35.41, -97.48)
* This list shows all F/EF-3 or stronger intensity tornadoes since 1950 within 50km of the center-point. Any tornado that caused 1 or more fatalities is also listed.


Date/Time - The time of tornado touchdown in Central Standard Time (CST; UTC-6:00).

F/EF-Scale - The maximum F/EF-scale rating assigned to this tornado along its path. The area that received damage consistent with the highest rating may be considerably smaller than the total area of the tornado.

Injuries/Fatalities - Casualties attributed to the tornado.

Path Length - Total path length in statute miles of the tornado.

Distance - The minimum distance (in km) from the center-point of the search area to either the touchdown or ending point of the tornado.

Touchdown Location - Location (county/parish, state, and lat/lon) of initial tornado touchdown.
Location: (35.180, -97.440) Cleveland County, OK Radius: 100km Period: 1950-2019 (70 Years)


This resource uses the SPC Tornado database to evaluate the historical occurrences of tornadoes in proximity to a given point. It then computes statistics regarding those tornadoes, including strike probabilities for various time periods. These statistics and probabilities may be useful to public and private entities in developing tornado-risk mitigation plans.

The probability values shown on this resource assume uniform distribution of tornadoes in space and time. A tornado is included in the calculation if the starting, mid-point, or ending point of the tornado is within the search radius.

"%POINT" Probability
This represents the annual probability of a tornado striking any single point within the search area. The value is calculated by comparing the mean area affected by tornadoes each year with the total circular area of the search.


%POINT = At / Ac / Yn

At = The total area affected by tornadoes for the period of interest.
Ac = The total area of the search circular area.
Yn = Number of years in the period
Example: (May tornadoes for this search)

At = 1722 km2
Ac = 31415.9 km2
Yn = 70 years
%POINT = 0.0548 / 70 = 0.000783 ( 0.078%)

"%25MI" Probability
This represents the mean daily probability of at least one tornado within 25 miles of any point within the search area. The value is calculated by determining the mean number of tornadoes that occur each day within the total search area, and multiplying by the ratio of the area of a 25mi radius circle to the total domain area.


%25MI = [(Nt / Yn) * (A25 / Ac)] / Dn

Nt = The total number of tornadoes within the search area for the period of interest.
Yn = Number of years in the period
A25 = The area of a 25 mile radius circle.
Ac = The total area of the search circular area.
Dn = Number of days in period.
Example: (May tornadoes for this search)

Nt = 467 km2
Yn = 70 years
A25 = 5084 km2
Ac = 31415.9 km2
Dn = 31 days
%25MI = [(467 / 70) * (5084 / 31415)] / 31 = 0.034827 (3.483%)


* Due to the nature of the search process, tornadoes with long tracks can extend well outside of the original search area. These tornadoes can significantly affect the strike probability calculations - usually resulting in an over-estimation of tornado risk.

* Geographical areas that have significant bodies of water or mountains may have un-representative strike probabilities. This is due to the lack or tornadoes and/or reports of tornadoes in these areas. For instance, if a coastal point is used, only part of the search area will have the potential for tornado reports, while the remainder of the area is offshore. This can result in an under-estimation of tornado risk for land areas.

Location: (35.180, -97.440) Cleveland County, OK Radius: 100km Period: 1950-2019 (70 Years)

Further Reading / Bibliography

Brooks et. al., 2003: Climatological Estimates of Local Daily Tornado Probability
Storm Prediction Center - Tornado FAQ
U.S. Tornado Climatology - NCDC


For further information or to report errors, please contact John Hart.