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Mesoscale Discussion 662
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   Mesoscale Discussion 0662
   NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
   1114 PM CDT Fri May 17 2019

   Areas affected...central and eastern Nebraska...central and northern

   Concerning...Tornado Watch 178...

   Valid 180414Z - 180615Z

   The severe weather threat for Tornado Watch 178 continues.

   SUMMARY...Severe weather risk -- including potential for a couple of
   tornadoes -- continues across WW 178, and the continuing portion of
   WW 172.

   DISCUSSION...Latest radar loop shows strong storms moving across
   portions of central Nebraska/central Kansas at this time.  One
   long-lived supercell continues moving northeast across Pawnee County
   KS toward Barton County Kansas, and this storm has had a history of
   producing tornadoes.  Meanwhile to the northeast, a 66 kt gust
   occurred within the past hour with a bowing cluster of storms moving
   across north-central Kansas.

   Back to the west, convection has begun to develop along the surface
   cold front, from central Nebraska into western Kansas -- which
   should continue to evolve and shift across the central Plains over
   the next several hours.

   While the overall severe risk should remain lesser overnight than
   was the case earlier this afternoon and evening, the overall
   kinematic and thermodynamic environment remains supportive of
   vigorous updrafts.  With convective mode trending toward linear with
   time, and some decoupling of the boundary layer evident due to
   nocturnal cooling, risk should trend toward mainly hail, and to a
   lesser degree locally strong wind gusts.  This risk however may
   prove sufficient to warrant new WW issuance across portions of
   central and eastern Kansas/Nebraska -- with the remaining portion of
   the Nebraska WW set to expire at 05Z.

   ..Goss.. 05/18/2019

   ...Please see for graphic product...


   LAT...LON   42799902 42729691 42129654 41419606 38839606 37829770
               37909925 38230025 39650008 40450000 42799902 

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